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What Challenges Are You Facing To Publish Your Book?

Global Book Publishing (GBP) is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about self-publishing. We have a value-packed free interviews, with amazing authors to inspire and teach; vibrant communities where you can get support and advice from other writers just like you; free writer resources and guides; and our acclaimed courses where we walk you through everything you need to know to help you make a career from your passion.

From print-on-demand to ebook publishing, GBP gets your content to readers across the planet. You get access to the same products and services enjoyed by big-time publishers—superb quality and industry connections backed by decades of experience at GBP. 

Unlike Big Publishing companies, we ensure that you have full control over your work with 100% royalties and we guarantee that your work will be published once you are ready with the manuscript. 

Contact Us to discuss whether we are the right fit for you. Let’s turn your dream into reality and get your book published. 

Why Global?

There are roughly 6.5 billion readers in the world. That’s a pretty huge market. Why limit your book to just one country? Think global.

What's Next?

At Global book publishing, we thrive to assist you in becoming a published author within no time even if you have ZERO manuscripts or don’t know where to start?

We Help You Write The Book Manuscript That Sells

We Will Publish Your Book Globally

You Get 100% Royalties and Complete Ownership

We Teach You To Market Like A PRO

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We have helped over 1000 authors all around the world publish their books and create a better life and would love to help you. If you find any other program even one-tenth as good anywhere in the world, go and join there

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no right answer to this question. Both traditional and self-publishing has its own Pros and Cons. Although, in self-publishing the author retail the complete right to his/her work, whereas, in traditional publishing, the author will have no say in the production process.

In traditional publishing, the publisher does the marketing of your book whereas in self-publishing you are responsible for the marketing of your book.

Traditional publishing takes between 2 to 5 years for your book to be published, whereas, in self-publishing, you can get your book out in as less as 60 days!

It depends, mostly on the type of book you write and the quality. Most authors see the most success after they have published multiple books, and also if they have a good launch plan and marketing plan. The actual publishing doesn’t take that long— 30 minutes tops to upload the book and everything.

I use all 5 KDP Select Free Promotion days at once. I prefer a 5-day promo because 1) I only have to do the marketing one time 2) it gives more time for your book to gain momentum and climb the bestsellers lists 3) it gives you a higher chance of reaching the Top #100 Free books and 4) it gives you a higher chance of your book being featured in an Amazon promotional email during your free promo.

There is no minimum or maximum. I’ve seen 10-page books on Kindle and I’ve seen 1037 page books there.

Personally, I recommend at least 10,000-15,000 words for nonfiction, unless you can do justice in less.

For fiction, I recommend 5,000 or more. Some people like to read short stories for 99 cents, go figure.

Your book-length should be determined by its usefulness to the reader, not your personal agenda. Always remember to give your readers what they want! That’s how you become a successful author. Everything else is secondary.

So what do Amazon’s royalty rates look like? First, let’s take a look at the e-books:

  • E-books priced between $0.99-$1.99= 35% royalty rate
  • E-books priced between $2.99-$9.99= 70% royalty rate
  • E-books priced above $9.99= 35% royalty rate

Print Book Royalties

Let’s say you’re printing a 300-page novel with a standard 5.5″ x 8.5″ trim. Let’s say you set your list price at $12.99. After you add up Amazon’s costs & cut (the numbers listed in the right-hand column if you’re using their calculator), which total $10.02, you’re left with a profit of $2.97. That comes out roughly to a 23% royalty rate.

Now, that might not seem like much, but do you remember the royalty rate of a traditionally published paperback? It was: 8% for the first 150,000 copies sold, then 10% after. (Plus, remember, you have to pay your agent 15% of your profits.)

That means for that same paperback book you’d receive an 8% royalty of $1.04 per sale, minus your agent’s 15%.

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