
A start up arises from a business idea and is divided into a series of steps whose fulfilment requires determined timing and specific skills.
Innovation is a key element in the current context but alone it is not enough to achieve success: Eurokleis offers concrete answers by guiding new entrepreneurs in the choice of strategy.
Thanks to the company’s experience in this sector, Eurokleis is able to provide assistance in defining the model from the business plan, giving value to the innovation of the initiative.
In this context, Eurokleis helps clients make business choices in the start up phases, but also in defining and optimising business models and in carrying out feasible studies.
Business model development
The Challenge
A great idea is often accompanied by a limited view of the diverse and complex aspects of an entrepreneurial initiative.
Why ruin a successful idea?
Start-ups address the issue of organising and managing a new business, thus drawing an effective business model is crucial for starting up and, primarily for sustainability and business development.
Developing a Business Model, could be complex and the Business Model Canvas is an excellent solution to this problem. A business model expresses how to organise, create and value a business. A Canvas is a particularly easy-to-understand business model due to the graphical identification of its components.
The Solution
Eurokleis aims to to give value to customer ideas by providing support for strategic business planning. By using innovative methods such as Business Model Canvas or Lean Startup, Eurokleis supports the customer in understanding and managing the complexity of the company’s business, it also provides immediate feedback to both the entrepreneur and the investor.
The activity takes place through a series of meetings and training with Eurokleis consultants and can be preceded, for example, by the use of the a-Plan tool that allows the innovator to know whether or not his idea has the potential of becoming a successful business.