Personal Taxes

Is working on your Taxes taking up most of your time? Are you finding it difficult working with your Personal income taxes (Federal, Quebec, and other Provinces), Self-employed tax returns, Sole proprietorship & partnerships, Capital gains and investment income, Taxes on Rental property income, Tax planning & strategies? Tohme Accounting is here to help!
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As you are likely aware, computing Personal taxes could be difficult, there’s always a lot of work to do, and its difficulty will continue to increase each year. Preparing your Personal taxes with all its main statements couldn’t be more important, whether it’s getting work done with personal income taxes, self-employed tax returns, sole proprietorship & partnerships, capital gains, and investment income, Taxes on rental property income, or replying to the Federal and Provincial governments on the behalf of taxes condition awareness that could be quite challenging.

You might face too many situations that would need a lawyer’s opinion on how to resolve them, or even to fix them sometimes. Dealing with Personal taxes requires the time and effort of focusing on every detail to avoid it affecting your company, business, or even your daily life. Tohme Accounting has got your back, with a team that is ready to get the job done from a personal income tax accountant, with every situation you are facing or might face in the following year of handling the work.

Tohme Accounting is here to help!

Tohme Accounting’s team is fully prepared to be always aware of your company’s present Personal taxes, and your future Personal taxes at any point and situation. We will prepare your Personal Tax Return remotely and make beneficial recommendations for the following year. Dealing with the Personal Income Taxes (Federal, Quebec, and other Provinces), Self-employed Tax Returns, Sole Proprietorship & Partnerships, Capital Gains, Investment Income, and Taxes on Rental property income, using Tax planning & strategies in order to get you the best Tax deals you can get. As well as replying to the government tax agency inquiries on the behalf of your Taxes condition. Facing challenges is a mission we know how to do; we will clarify challenging Tax situations with the various government agencies and then mediate in your best interest. Tohme Accounting’s software keeps track of multiple years of information on every client. We are fully connected with both the Federal and Provincial governments, and we file almost all returns electronically. We can easily obtain your Tax history and Tax information, which are important in today’s complex tax world. Tohme Accounting can offer you deals that will help you achieve your goal and long-term success, easier and faster.

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PERSONAL INCOME TAXES (Federal, Quebec and other Provinces)

Personal Income Taxes (Federal, Quebec, and other provinces) must be done manually on time, and of course properly, to avoid taxes getting higher or leading to other threatening conditions. Leaving your taxes unfilled and unpaid will cause a disruption in your business operation and also would lead to major consequences with the CRA that may lead to the seizing of your property or assets. Well, when having too many tasks at hand. and always having other tasks waiting, it’s natural that you might forget or miss the importance of dealing with your Taxes. Individual income taxes aren’t dealt with simplicity, you must know where to look exactly, and keep in mind the specific details that might not be obvious at all! Tohme Accounting in Canada offers you to deal with all of this before you know it, by working with us, we will be with you every step of the way to deal with any condition and fix any obstacle before it even lands in your paperwork, while keeping your business clean, and your future as bright as it can be. Tohme Accounting is here to help.


So, you have everything organized and your front door is set up and ready to welcome clients and customers. Your start-up business seems to be moving at a well-organized pace, and nothing seems to be going wrong. And before you know it, you are standing in the middle of your office/home office, looking at the Tax papers piled up wondering, ” How did I miss this and didn’t see it coming?” Well, some tax obligations to the Canadian government can be easy to miss, and sometimes unnoticeable to you as a business owner.

Why is that?

Basically, when you are not your own boss at the business you work at then taxes like Self-employed ones are usually handled by your upper management. Meaning if you are an employee at a successful firm, you don’t have to worry about tax returns because it’s your bosses’ job to do so. But that is not your fault, you as an entrepreneur establish ideas and invest to make more money and to operate the way you feel that a company should be operated. So have your moment and don’t worry about individual income tax return nor worry about Sole proprietor Tax which technically is the same. A sole proprietor or self-employed is an unincorporated business owner who is responsible for its debt. The income and losses in both of them are taxed on the individual’s personal income tax return. Sole proprietors and general partners have their personal assets included in the settlement of the business debts.

The results of losses and profits produced by the businesses in partnerships and Sole proprietorships are individually taxed under income taxes, in order to share profits and assets. Well, none of the two kinds have effortless work, knowing that both of them are the same in terminology and business-wise. This means they both are considered one task and if not implemented and resolved in a professional way it will affect the autonomy, Future selling complications, Lack of stability, and more. That’s why Tohme Accounting is always ready to support you, our team is ready to perform the right way in both Sole proprietorship and partnerships, through any condition. We keep an eye out on every detail through the system to make sure the business is going at its best and to make sure not only the business but even the aura around it is entirely equitable. Tohme Accounting will stand by your side and figure out a solution for every problem you have or might have any time soon, keeping an eye on your company’s future to reach the goal of success.

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Renting a property also has taxes that need to be dealt with, the income of it is received by the taxpayer, for allowing another person’s use of his property. It includes all of the advance rental payments, late payments, and current payments. contending with this kind of a Tax is a little more different and confusing because any wrong decision or settlement you make will most likely cost you massive losses, leading you to a problematic situation that solving it won’t be an easy task. If you don’t have enough experience dealing with all of that, then rental property tax can cause you more than you think! That’s why Tohme Accounting offers you to operate it, with your approval and satisfaction.

Our team includes Taxes professionals, which will help your business grow non-stop. Tohme Accounting also offers you another deal, that will help you with your Capital gains and investment income. The Capital gains tax is a tax you need to pay right after you sell something valuable. Calculating that Tax and getting it done differs from one to another, and the fact that long-term capital gains are taxed separately from your ordinary income makes it a tricky task to get done. But Tohme Accounting is ready to offer you a great deal of time and effort to help expand your options for a better future. Handle us the hard work and let us focus on each detail, to let you enjoy the happy ending. Tohme Accounting is professionally prepared to study your options one by one, and choose the right one that will definitely suit your company’s situation, and lead it to enjoy maximum success.


Coming up with a plan that will serve your business to its best condition might look like an easy task, but as soon as you start working on it, you will come across more difficulties than you thought you will. Most of those difficulties need professional assistance for personal tax planning as soon as possible, to get the job done without costing your business any losses. Tohme Accounting’s team has got all you need. Each individual client of our community knows how perfect our strategies fit their business. We make a different strategy for each condition, so looking at your folder we will be coming with solutions and unique ideas to get the job done perfectly. Tohme Accounting offers you to take away your stress and fill your business with effective ideas, for a bright future filled with infinite success.

Tohme Accounting is a professional team that can help you with all sorts of Taxes, leaving a unique pattern that will help you make decisions faster and easier. Looking for a long term future is our obligation, and making sure to do it right is a mission we assign ourselves each day. We know how hard and frustrating these kinds of businesses could be to you, and so, Tohme Accounting is here with an open hand and heart for assistance! And will always be ready to keep an open eye on every single work-related information or detail and put it into consideration for a better future. We will put all the time and effort to achieve a never-ending success for both, your business and us because your success is ours.